Financial Consulting

Companies face numerous challenges within an everchanging economic environment.

Under these conditions they aim to increase efficiency, improve productivity, maximize their long-term sustainable growth rate and rationalize their operations.

We provide a suite of services to aid in the process:

Corporate Structuring &
Business Transformation

Review of existing or creation of new Corporate structures to ensure maximum tax efficiency, minimum legal liability and optimal operational models to meet the enterprise targets.

Assessment of the company’s financial profile and credit position with the aim to focus their efforts into profitable ventures while minimizing potential losses along the way

Turnaround Consutling &

Investments &

We evaluate the profile of Capital allocation investments, propose the optimal investment vehicle and structure the deal according to the clients’ needs.

We assess the required rate of return on structured disinvestments and aid the clients in finding the desired patrons to liquidate their assets, spin-off a successful venture or execute their exit strategy.

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